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18th Annual Industry Memorial Golf Classic

October 2, 2019 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM (EDT)


In memory of ….. 

George Bolton - Fred Sanders - Les Coleman - David Deyell - Bob McKerlie - Michael Caplan - Walter Hachborn - Jack King - Peter Lynch - David Holden - Leonard Lee - Warren Parr - David Fry - Ted Kennedy - Geoff Somers - Ray Ceolin - Tom Ross - Bruce Webster - Chris Hrushowy - Mike Pullen - Jim Ypma - Bill Caldwell - Brayl Copp - Ed Hardison - Stuart North - Joseph Kuchar - Shelly Lush - Jack Pountney - Christof Vanooteghem - Ian Hay - Trygve Husebye - Bernie Carpenter - Don McDonald - Les Groves - Bob Hilton - Doug Straus - Mel Boshart - George Giles - Ed Barnes 

Proceeds from this tournament will help support Canadian National Autism Foundation 

Cost Detail 

Golf, Breakfast & Dinner, Passport: $265 + HST
Dinner Only: $69.95 + HST

Competition Hole Sponsorship:
Option A: $150 + HST If you supply a prize (min. $100 value)
Option B: $250 + HST Prize supplied by CHHMA

If you have any questions please contact Nicole Gamble at

*No refunds once registered, substitutions are allowed

To donate to our Silent Auction please contact Pam Winter directly at Please include the item description and retail value. Thank you.


8:00 a.m. Registration and Breakfast
9:00 a.m. Shotgun Start
2:30 p.m. Dinner

Contact Information

Canadian Home Products Trade Association | CHPTA
Name: Nicole Gamble
Phone: (416) 282-0022 x. 225
We're sorry. No registrations are currently available. You may wish to contact the event organizer for assistance.
{{ vm.EventInfo.ErrorMessage }}

Select Registration Options


Exhibitor Opportunities

Name Price Att Qty
{{ et.Name }}
{{ et.IncludedAttendeesCount }} {{ et.AttendeeRegType.RemainingPerType }} Remaining {{ et.AttendeeRegType.RemainingPerType * -1 }} on Waiting List {{ et.AttendeeRegType.RemainingPerType * -1 }} Over Limit
{{ et.Remaining }} Remaining
Sold out

Attendee Registration Options Total Remaining: {{ vm.EventInfo.VacantSpotsPerEvent }}

Waiting List Available
{{ vm.stats.totalAttendeesCount }} Registered , {{ vm.OverallOverAmount() }} on Waiting List , {{ vm.OverallOverAmount() }} Over Limit
Name Price Qty
{{ rt.Name }}
{{ rt.IsMemberOnly ? ' (Members Only)' : '' }}
Limit: {{ rt.LimitPerPurchase }}
Included Attendees: {{ rt.AttendeesCountPerOneRegistration }}
{{rt.Price | currency }} {{rt.PriceAfterDiscount | currency }} {{ rt.Price | currency }}
{{ rt.RemainingPerType }} Remaining
{{ rt.RemainingPerType * -1 }} on Waiting List
{{ rt.RemainingPerType * -1 }} Over Limit

{{'[[Sponsorship]] Opportunities' | localizeString:'['}}

Name Price Att Qty
{{ st.Name }}
{{ st.IncludedAttendeesCount }} {{ st.AttendeeRegType.RemainingPerType }} Remaining {{ st.AttendeeRegType.RemainingPerType * -1 }} on Waiting List {{ st.AttendeeRegType.RemainingPerType * -1 }} Over Limit
{{ st.Remaining }} Remaining
Sold out

Registration Information


Exhibitor - {{er.Name}}

Exhibitor #{{ $index + 1 }}

Total: {{exhibitor.TotalPrice | currency}} {{ exhibitor.IsBenefit ? "- Included as a Benefit" : exhibitor.IsDiscounted ? "- Discounts have been applied" : ""}}
Exhibitor Directory
Primary Contact
Booth Information
Additional Information
Additional Items

Attendee - {{er.Name}}

{{ att.getAttendeeTerm(vm.EventSettings.AdditionalAttendeesTerm, $index) }} #{{ att.getAttendeeIndexDisplay(vm.EventSettings.AdditionalAttendeesTerm, $index) }}

Total: {{att.TotalPrice | currency}} {{att.DiscountMessage | localizeString:'['}}
A No Show fee is being assessed for {{fee.EventName}} on {{fee.EventStartLocalTimeString}}.



Additional Information
Event Sessions


{{slot.SelectedSession.SessionDescription + (slot.HasFees ? " (Price: " + (slot.PriceTotal | currency) +")" : "")}}

Additional Items

{{'[[Sponsorship+]]' | localizeString:'['}} - {{er.Name}}

{{'[[Sponsor]]' | localizeString:'['}} #{{ $index + 1 }}

Total: {{sponsor.Price | currency}}

Additional Items


{{(vm.EventInfo.Terms.Donation || "Fundraising") + " Opportunities"}}

Campaign Name Item Description Amount
{{item.CampaignName}} {{item.Description + (item.ShowMinimumPrice && item.MinimumPrice ? " (Min: " + item.MinimumPrice + ")" : "")}}

Complete Registration


Terms & Conditions

No Show Policy

{{ vm.EventInfo.EventSettings.NoShowPolicy }}

Enter Promo Code

This event is synced to a webinar so no confirmation email will be sent from GrowthZone.

Thank you to our {{'[[Sponsor+]]' | localizeString:'['}}